The world is getting hotter every day. This is an assertion which most people will agree with. Several other aspects of our world seem to suggest that the center cannot hold us together for much longer. Earthquakes and news/rumours of war surround us everyday. This article will consider Global warming; What really is this Global Warming? Some people even assert that it is “Global Steaming”! How does it affect us? Is it the only challenge facing the earth? What does the Bible say? These are the questions that every young Christian should ask in the light of global events today.
Global warming is the overall increase in world temperatures which may be caused by additional heat being trapped by green house gases.[1] It is an increase in the Earth's temperature caused by human activities, such as burning coal, oil and natural gas. This releases carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.[2] The greenhouse effect is the process by which greenhouse gases[3] are radiated and circulated in the lower atmosphere causing the lower atmosphere[4] to be warmer. There are also external factors which contribute to global warming.
Variations in solar output have been the cause of past climate changes but solar forcing/flares are generally thought to be too small to account for a significant part of global warming in recent decades. This is what the scientists tell us. However, if you have ever watched the movie 2012, you would understand that the concept behind the global disaster portrayed in the movie used this same concept in a way that helps us to appreciate the delicate balance in our world; no change is insignificant. 2012 the Hollywood movie centralized its core theme around the mega-disaster scenario first expounded by Charles H. Hapgood who was a Professor of the History of Science at Keene College in New Hampshire. In this theory the entire crust of the planet Earth moves as one piece displacement of the physical poles into new locations would occur.
The most vocal modern researcher of the theory is Patrick Geryl. Mr Geryl insists that the Maya and Egyptians knew of this phenomenon and predicted it for 21-12-2012. Actually an enormous chunk of the 2012 movie seems to be lifted from his work. For those not familiar with him he has stated that the safest place on Earth will be the Drakensburg Mountains of South Africa. It is then likely no coincidence then that the closing scenes of the film has the survivors on course for that precise location!
The various periodic activities of the Sun also seem to buttress this theory. From Radio observations, which provide a more accurate reading of solar activities, the Sun has been quiet over the last couple of years.[5] But it was recently reported on the 13th day of February 2010 that Solar flares were recorded in the last few weeks.[6]
Biblically, we are told in the book of Genesis of how God destroyed the whole earth with a great flood and how God spared Noah and his family. Then God said in Genesis 9:11 “And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off anymore by waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth” (emphasis added). This is the promise of God! You can make out the rest for yourself.
Also, in Luke 21: 25 the bible says “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”.
In Amos 9: 5 the bible also says “And the Lord GOD of hosts is he that toucheth the land, and it shall melt, and all that dwell therein shall mourn: and it shall rise up wholly like a flood; and shall be drowned, as by the flood of Egypt. 6It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.
Essentially, Global warming is still a theory but we feel the effects every day. In Nigeria today, we see different states recording temperatures as high as 45 degrees Centigrade.[7] However, Global warming seems to be the least of the challenges of the Universe of which our planet is just a tiny part of. On Saturn another thing that is happening without explanation is a massive lightning storm that is being observed. Lightning bolts that are one thousand times stronger than anything seen on earth are being unleashed almost continuously. There have now been 35 episodes[8] of this lightning storm and each one has lasted ten hours. These facts are not meant to inspire fears in our hearts but to make us as young people vigilant about the times. Peace be unto you.
Tobi Oyesanya
[3] Greenhouse gases include water vapour, corbondioxide and methane.
[4] Troposphere
[5] For about 2 years
[7] See the weather forecast on your local television station. See also www.timeanddate.com last visited on the 15th of March, 2010.
[8] This was as at April 2006. See http://www.shasta.com/tempest/seventhunders/Strange_signs.htm
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